Having said I would blog 30 posts for #blogjune, I have just counted… and I have only posted 15 times, when I should be up to 24… oops. So there are 15 to go. So in looking for an idea to cover 15 posts, I will (in short form) cover some of the significant things that have happened to me over the last fifteen years.

Take your minds back to …… 1997.

I was working for a software vendor, for a library management system and a records management system, where I provided helpdesk support, training and some data migration and manipulation. In this job I taught myself SQL – which was huge to me at the time as it provides me with the insight that if I was motivated I could probably teach myself anything.

I left this job in May as in June the biggest change to my life occurred – I became a mother. Kid1 was born – 6lb 2oz, blonde, blue eyed (at that point) and truly beautiful. Up until the point when we decided we wanted to have a baby I had never been maternal, and still do not consider myself an overly nurturing person. But this wonderful little bundle changed that. I will note though that generally my maternal instincts are limited purely to my children and no one else’s.

[I have no digital photos from this time as we personally had not yet entered the digital age, and I can’t be bothered scanning. Photos will appear in later years.]

Motherhood was an interesting new phase, where I had to come to terms with giving up control over my life as bub ran my life. I can’t say I did that well. But she flourished and we became a family of three.

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